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Profile of Kazuo Terakado
Main Reports
UFO Criticism
Society of Classical Science Fiction, JAPAN
Temptation of Imagination

Main Reports

As a science journalist, Mr. Terakado has been writing a large number of articles for Newton and other magazines. Among these are:

Columbia’s first great flight (1981)
A visit to Star City in the USSR (1985)
AIDS: a creeping shadow (1986)
Why did the Space Shuttle explode? (1986)
Chernobyl Crisis (1986)
Global Warming: Earth is getting hotter. (1987)
Mystery of Ozone Holes (1988)
Clever metamorphoses: Influenza viruses (1989)
Discovery of evidence of the collision of a gigantic meteorite which exterminated dinosaurs (1991)
Search for extraterrestrial intelligence (1991)
A visit to Baikonur Cosmodrome (1991)
U.S.-Russian secret plans for space (1992)
Life on Mars? (1996)
Great development in Gene Therapy (2000)
Blind spot of mega-technology: the cause of the Concorde crash (2000)
The fall of the Mir space station (2001)
Birth of a human clone? (2001)
Announcement of the draft of the human genome project (2001)
The latest report on occurrences of BSE in Japan (2001)
The mechanisms of the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings (2002)
West Nile Virus spread in the U.S. (2002)
Chinese manned space flight is approaching (2002)
Rapid thawing of ice in the South Pole (2002)
How different are the genomes of human beings and chimpanzees? (2002)
Report on the Colombia accident (2003)
Latest report on the Mars rovers (2004)

Mr. Terakado has also interviewed numerous world-renowned scientists and astronauts, including Dr. James D. Watson, Dr. Manfred Eigen, Dr. Susumu Tonegawa, Dr. Gerard O’Neill, Dr. Frank Drake, Astronaut John Young, Cosmonaut Pyotr Ilyich Klimuk, to name but a few.

A visit to Baikonur Cosmodrome (1991)

U.S.-Russian secret plans for space (1992)

Life on Mars? (1996)

Blind spot of mega-technology: the cause of the Concorde crash (2000)

The fall of the Mir space station (2001)

Announcement of the draft of the human genome project (2001)

The latest report on occurrences of BSE in Japan (2001)

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